Battaglia Green



Virginia, USA via Italy

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Battaglia Green is a delectable green fig variety known for its robust hardiness and abundant yield of vibrant green figs. These figs reveal a surprising twist with their dark, rich interior, setting them apart in the realm of green figs. While sharing some similarities with the Strawberry Verte variety, Battaglia Green distinguishes itself through its reputedly superior flavor profile.

The medium-sized fruits of Battaglia Green demonstrate remarkable resilience, standing up admirably to rain and humidity. What's more, this fig variety exhibits a propensity for successful rooting, making it more amenable to propagation than many of its counterparts.

The story of Battaglia Green's introduction to Virginia Beach, Virginia, adds to its mystique. Sandy Battaglia's fortuitous discovery of this fig began with an Italian couple who originally brought the cuttings from Italy. Sandy managed to obtain cuttings before the couple sold their property, preserving the legacy of this remarkable tree. Sadly, the new property owners chose to fell the original tree.

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